How to use MAPS

Have you ever wondered how google ranks businesses when you search on maps? You can not only see how it works, but also help businesses rank higher on maps to generate more clients.

Maps allows you to audit local rankings of your prospects with various geo-coordinates points and where they currently rank at each location.  This report can be used to share a local ranking report to generate demand for Local SEO services. We also share your prospect’s position in the market in comparison to their competitors making it easier to have your customers see the potential ROI of their investments.

How can you run an audit of a prospect?

  • Click on “Maps” under the “ Leads" section.
  • On the Maps page, you will have to enter the “Business Name” and “CID”.
  • CID is the Customer Identification Number which is a unique identification number assigned to a specific business listed on Google Maps.
  • You can find the CID using chrome extensions such as ‘PlePer’, ‘GatherUp’ and ‘Company Information in Google’ and many other free chrome extensions 
    available. (You can simply Google “how to find CID” and see various resources.)

    Link for PlePer extension:


    Link for GatherUp extension:


    Link for Company Information in Google:

      • Now, click on “Get Keywords”
      • We will now show you related keywords to their business category and other Local Near Me Keywords from which you can select up to a maximum of seven keywords at a time.
      • Once the keywords are selected click on the search button. We will run an audit in the background to see how your prospect ranks across various keywords on a map. 
      • Give it at least one minute to run the audit. Once it is completed, scroll down to see the Campaign name, CID, status of the search, click the view icon to see the audit. 
      • This will bring you to a new page with the overall map score of the business along with the scores of the keywords you searched for. 

        We give you a wealth of information about each keyword position. Some of the information are:

      • E-Extended Score: Average rank of a keyword  in the extended area
      • I-Immediate Score: Average rank of a keyword in the immediate area
      • N-Nearby Score:  Average rank of a keyword  in the nearby area
      • Search Volume: National monthly search volume
      • Overall Score:  Average rank of all points in a 7x7 mile area. The lower the Overall Score the better the organization performs in the Google search.
      • Graph Pins: The ranking of that keyword in the geographical location. Each pine is 1 mile away from the other pins. Pins go from 1-20. Over 20 they show a red X.
      • Competitors: Average grid rank for competing businesses in the same geographical location.